The Smart Specialisation Platform on Energy (2018)

PEARLS Kick-Off Meeting, 4th July 2018

Spring School in Paros

Planning and engagement arenas for renewable energy landscapes, Paros island example.

Eighth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2020)

edited by K. Themistocleous, G. Papadavid, S. Michaelides, V. Ambrosia, D. G. Hadjimitsis Proc. of SPIE Vol. 11524, 1152416 2020 SPIE

Towards integrated and accepted energy transition: sustainable energy planning in urban areas.

4th International Conference Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions 2022 SSPCR. Bolzano, Italy

El papel de la evaluación ambiental en la transición energética: la construcción social del territorio.

A. Delgado-Jiménez, J. Farinós & R. ÁlvarezFernández (eds.) Transición energética y construcción social del territorio ante el reto del cambio climático y el nuevo marco geopolítico.

Madrid, Aranzadi

Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality (2018)

From prosumers to communities: sharing renewable energy production. In International Seminar on Environment and Society.

Org. Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia. ICS-Ulisboa. Lisboa, Portugal, March 2020

O que é que há, pois, num nome?”: o conceito de comunidade em comunidades de energia renovável no sul da Europa,

XII Congresso Português de Sociologia, Coimbra, April 2023

La sostenibilidad en transición.

In M.P. Alonso, P. Benito del Pozo; M. Pallarés-Barberá; J.L. Sánchez Geografía Económica: fundamentos, agentes y procesos, Valencia, Tirant Humanidades

PEARLS series – 2018/1

Comparatıve study of the vısual impact of solar farms on Southern Spaın rural landscapes. Geography: Bringing the continents.

XXXIV International Geographical Congress 2021. Istanbul, Turkey

Comparatıve study of the vısual impact of solar farms on Southern Spaın rural landscapes. Geography: Bringing the continents.

XXXIV International Geographical Congress 2021. Istanbul, Turkey

Including landscape integration and public perception of Renewable Energy Landscapes in the local planning tools: a case study in the Mediterranean countries.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

PEARLS series – 2019/2

Social innovation in renewable energy: communities, cooperatives and other grass-root initiatives, 4S Annual Meeting, Toronto

(online), October 2021

Transición energética, cambio climático y riesgos en la ordenación territorial.

In Joaquín Farinós Dasí & Jorge Olcina Cantos (eds. y coords.), Ordenación del Territorio y Medio Ambiente, Valencia, Tirant Humanidades

PEARLS series – 2019/3

WP5 Report Renewable Energy Communities in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece

Balancing adaptation and mitigation strategies through an integrated approach. Climate responses in the human habitat. 


Comunidades de energia renovável. In Pensar o Eco-bairro, pp. 23-26.

Lisboa: Associação Eco-bairros do futuro.

ISBN 978-989-33-1028-1

Social innovation and Public Participation. New approaches on renewable energy landscapes (REL) from southern European Countries and Israel.

5th Energy & Society Conference 2021. Trento, Italy


Address: Avda. Ciudad Jardin, 20/22, 1ª pta.      41005 Sevilla (España)


Funded by: Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions. H2020 Research Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)

Project Number: 778039 - PEARLS

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 778039.

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