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Terras de Sol e de Vento. Dinâmicas Sociotécnicas e Aceitação Social
das Energias Renováveis em Portugal (2015)
ISBN 978-972-671-356-2
MDPI - Energies
Sustainable Spatial Energy Planning of Large Scale Windand PV Farms in Israel: A Collaborative and Participatory Planning Approach (2021)
Renewable energies and land use changes in the South of the Iberian Peninsula: a geographical interpretation of the national energy policies
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Hacia un enfoque paisajístico en la planificación energética local
Towards a landscape-approach to local energy planning, PH, n. 108
DOI: 10.33349/2023.108.5274
Fostering the climate-energy transition with an integrated approach. Synergies and interrelations between adaptation and mitigation strategies
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ECLAS Conference 2023 – ‘Labyrinth of the World. Landscape Crossroads” 10-13 September 2023
Brno – Lednice, Czech Republic
Roma: Gangemi Editore spa
Integrating public perception on the impact of photovoltaic applications in planning tools. A case study in Arcos de la Frontera. p. 607-618. –
ISBN: 978-88-492-4558-5
Sustainable Mediterranean Construction
Balancing adaptation and mitigation stategies through an integrated approach. Climate responses in the human habitat
Moravian Geographical Reports
Wind farms and rural tourism: A Portuguese case study of residents’ and visitors’ perceptions and attitudes (2017)
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Blogue SHIFT Grupo de Investigaçao Ambiente, Território e Sociedade do ICS-ULISBOA
Energias renováveis, paisagens e inovação social: o projeto PEARLS
A Place under the Sun: Planning, Landscape and Participation in a Case of a Solar Powerplant in the Israeli Desert
MDPI - Sustainability
Planning and Engagement Arenas for Renewable Energy Landscapes
Estudios Geográficos 80 (286): 5 pp. ISSN:0014-1496.
Iris. Università di Trento
Regenerating urban surfaces to achieve healthy and resilient neighbourhoods: a case study of Trento, Italy
ISBN: 978-956-14-3069-3
Pianificazione, partecipazione e innovazione sociale nei paesaggi dell’energia rinnovabile
Revista PH, 108
¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de paisajes de las energías renovables?
5th Energy & Society Conference 2021. Trento, Italy
Social innovation and Public Participation. New approaches on renewable energy landscapes (REL) from southern European Countries and Israel
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Co-benefits of nature-based solutions exceed the costs of implementation
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Elsevier - Energy Research & Social Science
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MDPI - Energies
Towards a Sustainable Spatial Planning Approach for PV Site Selection in Portugal (2022).
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Agenda Pública - Green Deal
Local and community participation in the management of renewables
XI Congresso Português de Sociologia
Renewable energy cooperatives in Portugal and Spain: David against Goliath?
Iris. Università di Trento
Climate Sensitive Urban Regeneration: Experimenting an Adaptive and Zero-Energy Approach in Trento, Italy
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Ordenación del territorio y medio ambiente
Transición energética, cambio climático y riesgos en la ordenación territorial
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Landscape-based spatial energy planning: minimization of renewables footprint in the energy transition.
[CO]HABITATION TACTICS Imagining future spaces in architecture, city and landscape
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International scientific conference
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MDPI - Sustainability
A Place under the Sun: Planning, Landscape and Participation
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Doi: 10.3390/su14137666
MDPI - Sustainability
Genetic Algorith-Based Optimun PV Site Selection Minimizing Visual Disturbance (2022).
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Integration of Public Perception in the Assessment of Licensed Solar Farms: A Case Study in Greece
PH Magazine 108
What are we talking about when we talk about renewable energy landscapes?
Sustainability, v. 14, n. 10
Mapping Pervious Surfaces and Canopy Cover Using High-Resolution Airborne Imagery and Digital Elevation Models to Support Urban Planning
Geografía económica: fundamentos, agentes y procesos
La sostenibilidad en transición
ISBN 9788419471284, págs. 447-457
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
Towards landscape integrated and community accepted energy transition: sustainable energy planning in urban areas
Address: Avda. Ciudad Jardin, 20/22, 1ª pta. 41005 Sevilla (España)
Funded by: Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions. H2020 Research Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)
Project Number: 778039 - PEARLS