Finally, earlier this week we have organized the workshop in order to submit a proposal for the forthcoming MSC RISE 2017 call. We have been fortunate enough to meet the academic partners from Lisbon, Trento and Thesaloniki, and to be in contact with Haifa and Esse. On the Spanish side, we are working side by side with Territoria Company. In addition to establish a first contact between the Research Groups on Social Sciences and Architecture at the University of Seville, which work on Renewable Energy.
Until April, 4th we have a lot of work to do: to look for partners from administrative and business environments and NGOs; to refine the structure of a solid proposal; and commit to the Work Packages tasks and secondments if we manage to get the Project’s approval.
We have decided our Consortium and Project’s name.
We are calling ourselves PEARLS: Planning and Engagement Arenas for Renewable energy LandscapeS.