The second Project’s Steering Committee Meeting was hold by Skype on 5th June. The University of Seville –USE- hosted it. The following participants were involved in the meeting: M.J. Prados as coordinator and also R. Garcia as University-based administrator (USE); A. Delicado (ICSUL); E. Loukogeorgaki (AUTH); Rossano Albatici and Bruno Zanon (UNITN) and Naama Teschner (BGU). The meeting lasted for an hour approximately. As proposed by the Coordinator and seconded by the Project Officer, members debated an agreed schedule and pending tasks proposed in the last SCM in Lisbon such as key terms for a Project’s glossary, WP Methodological Reports, protocols and the preparation of an expert list for a Follow-up questionnaire were discussed. Also, it was arranged that the Project Mid-Term meeting will be held in Malaga in October and a next secondment reassignment. Besides, it was noticed that two notes introducing the Project were produced recently and sent to an academic journal and a specialized web. USE suggested establishing a wider network related to Renewable Energy and Renewable Energy Landscapes. Related to online atlas, it was discussed only eventual changes and it is fully operational currently. To sum up, it can be told it was quite fruitful, satisfying and nice meeting.