Prof. Bruno Zanon on “One Health” Seminar in Bologna, November 2022

The approach and objectives of the H2020-MSCA-RISE PEARLS Project “Planning and Engagement Arenas for Renewable energy Landscapes” were illustrated during the “One Health” seminar, organised by the University of Bologna in Castello di Bertinoro, on November 25, 2022.

The seminar involved young physicians, healthcare professionals and other technicians interested in the fundamentals of health and well-being in the perspective of sustainable development.

Bruno Zanon illustrated the issues relating to the integration of Renewable energy technologies into the landscape to the young participants. The emphasis was placed on the emerging conflicts between the growing production of energy from renewable sources – which harvest low-gradient energy on large surfaces – and the need to preserve the quality of the landscape.

How to interact with people to better understand their perception of the inclusion of renewable energy technologies in the landscape is one of the questions addressed by the Pearls project. Ambra Barbini and Chiara Chioni addressed the methods and practice of using a questionnaire to interact with the inhabitants of sensitive landscapes in Greece involved in different energy production projects providing the first results of their field work.