PEARLS Project Presentation. 9th International Congress for Spatial Planning. Santander (Spain), from 13th to 15th March 2019. More information at

Jan 29, 2019
PEARLS Project Presentation. 9th International Congress for Spatial Planning. Santander (Spain), from 13th to 15th March 2019. More information at
PEARLS (an acronym for Planning And Engagement Arenas For Renewable Energy LandscapesS) saw the participation of partners from five countries in the Mediterranean sphere: in addition to Italy, entities and companies from Spain, Portugal, Greece and Israel participated.
Here more info:
Here the blog:
The PEARLS project is a collaboration between 5 countries and 16 institutions working together to understand regional diversity in favour of new advances in the low carbon economy. PEARLS is encouraging people’s commitment to safe, clean and efficient energy, while acting on spatial planning and social innovation in Renewable Energy Landscapes, bringing the vision and experience of Mediterranean countries to the rest of Europe.
On October 2nd, Anna Codemo defended her doctoral thesis in Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering (University of Trento) entitled “Climate sensitive design for regenerative cities” based on the results coming from the secondment that she was able to performduring the PEARLS project.
The entire PEARLS team is delighted with your success. Congratulations, Anna
Due to the extraordinary circumstances resulted from the Covid-19 Pandemic, the organizers of the “5th Energy and Society Conference”, which was supposed to take place in the University of Trento on September this year, have decided to postpone this event. The new dates will be the 10-12 February 2021.
For further information about this event, please consult their website through the following link:
We will continue updating future changes regarding PEARLS arisen from this sanitary emergency.
Some of the cartographical tools and 3D Monitoring on REL developed by our team in Geosystems Hellas and the University of Seville are already uploaded to the Horizon 2020 Platform Result and available for the general public under consultation, but our consortium is still working on exploitable results that could be included in here.
We will continue working on this matter and will let you know as soon as we have more results uploaded.
In the upcoming August, the IGC will take place in Istanbul. Topics treated by the PEARLS Consortium will be addressed in the workshop “Sustainability Processes in the Low-carbon economy: Territories and Renewable Energies”
Deadline for submissions of abstracts:
13th of January (Link for Submissions)
More info about this call:
The University of Trento, one of the PEARLS Consortium participants, will host in September the fifth Conference on the social dimension of energy, aiming to exchange insightful ideas and to create opportunities for collaboration.
Through a wide variety of topics, interested participants are encouraged to present papers on different aspects of the Energy Transition treating its sociological aspects in different workshops/special sessions. Deadline for abstract submissions: 31st of January.
One of these workshops will be specially dedicated to Renewable Energy Landscapes, one of the main topics of our project.
More detailed info about this call:
Organised by the Smart Specialisation Platform, the objective of the workshop is to offer an overview on the how/why/who of Smart Grids in Europe, with the main aim of supporting national/regional authorities and key stakeholders across Europe in Planning and Designing the allocation of their EU funds for supporting investments in smart grids R&I and deployment.
More info on schedules; objectives and application:
This last month, EnerCoop in association with others have launched an initiative to consolidate Crevillant as a “local energy community of reference”. The Electricity cooperative has presented the objectives of this singular initiative which aims to foment self-consumption among others.
More info about this event:
The Department of Environmental Studies at Tel-Aviv University has hosted a guest lecture given by María José Prados on April 11th. The lecture gave an introduction to the “Planning and Engagement Arenas for Renewable Energy LandscapeS” project to a group of international students.
The lecture was given during the first part of Ms. Prados’ secondment in Israel, in partnership with Daniel Madar and Hagitt Ulanovsky from SP Interface.