Good to know
PEARLS Proposal accepted! It’s really happening!
The PEARLS beneficiaries have received this message. It has been exactly three months since we submitted PEARLS proposal and they have confirmed us that the proposal is accepted. It was Na’ama Teschner from University of Haifa who sounded the alert. At the same time, there were messages about some phishing attempts coming from the Participant Portal. After a few minutes of surprise, the truth is that PEARLS Project has secured funding. Let’s work!
PEARLS Proposal submitted. Fingers crossed
This morning we have submitted the last version of PEARLS proposal into SYGMA Platform, only a few hours before the closure of the 2017 MSC RISE call. We entered the first version in late March. Since then, we have updated a new draft almost every week. We have organised ourselves very well thanks to the work and collaboration from all the Consortium partners. Almudena Arrabal´s support with SYGMA Platform and Miguel Torres´s graphical design of the information have been very remarkable. The proposal consists of 36 secondments that will be held between thirteen entities from five countries that will focus on six complementary Work Packages. The Steering Committee will support the PEARLS Coordinator. The Consortium will also count with an Advisory Board comprised of Essex University; the Agenzia Nazionale per l’energia ENEA; and the Spanish company Prodiel.
The goal is achieved! : ἀνέρριφθω κύβος.
Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) Coordinators’ Day
The MSC-RISE Actions Coordinators have attended the general meeting hosted in Brussels by the Research Executive Agency. There have been two intense sessions where we have been informed about how demanding and extremely competitive has the MSCA RISE 2017 call been. Only a 20% of the proposals were successful. The objective of the meeting was to discuss the implementation of the MSCA RISE Grant Agreement and best practices for successful project implementation. Special attention has been given to the requirements of the Grant Agreement; the eligibility conditions for the secondments; and the financial rules.
The meeting provided us with the opportunity of making personal contact with our Project Officer and meeting the other RISE projects coordinators from related fields. The Humanities and Social Sciences Panel are well represented by Southern European countries.
Workshop on Excellent Research Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange
Finally, earlier this week we have organized the workshop in order to submit a proposal for the forthcoming MSC RISE 2017 call. We have been fortunate enough to meet the academic partners from Lisbon, Trento and Thesaloniki, and to be in contact with Haifa and Esse. On the Spanish side, we are working side by side with Territoria Company. In addition to establish a first contact between the Research Groups on Social Sciences and Architecture at the University of Seville, which work on Renewable Energy.
Until April, 4th we have a lot of work to do: to look for partners from administrative and business environments and NGOs; to refine the structure of a solid proposal; and commit to the Work Packages tasks and secondments if we manage to get the Project’s approval.
We have decided our Consortium and Project’s name.
We are calling ourselves PEARLS: Planning and Engagement Arenas for Renewable energy LandscapeS.

Address: Avda. Ciudad Jardin, 20/22, 1ª pta. 41005 Sevilla (España)
Funded by: Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions. H2020 Research Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)
Project Number: 778039 - PEARLS