On Sunday, March 1, the PEARLS Project’s results, obtained during the WP4 Secondment of Mrs. Sofia Spyridonidou (AUTh) to SP Interface (Mrs. Hagit Ulanovsky and Mr. Daniel Madar), were introduced at the Heschel Center for Sustainability (NGO), State of Israel. Following the first presentation at the Ministry of Energy in Israel (February 24), this is the second event organised for disseminating the results of the aforementioned secondment. In this event, 11 Core Members of the Energy Group of the Heschel Center for Sustainability attended alongside the following researchers of PEARLS: S. Spyridonidou (Presenter, AUTh); G. Sismani (AUTh) and D. Madar (SP Interface). Participants of the NGO highlighted the importance of the conducted research for Israel as well as the scientific added value of the work. The representatives of this NGO expressed also a strong interest in following the updates of the proposed research as it is strongly related to the objectives and activities of their organisation.