Project Plenary Forum in Syracuse, Italy

PEARLS‘ attendance team
The Project Plenary Forum (PPF) of the European Project PEARLS has taken place in Syracuse on 7th and 8th September thanks to the organisation by University of Seville and Ethics4Growth.
During this PPF the leaders for the different Work Packages presented and commented the results, sharing the analysis of their work with the attendants. Also, some secondees shared their experiences during the project and the work they have been doing throughout the last years to achieve positive results in their secondments.
Due to inclement weather it was not possible to carry out this activity, so the Mayor of Ferla intervened in the seminar with a Case Study which helped a lot to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, the acquisition of new competences and the professional development of the research and innovation staff members. All in all, an interesting example of good practice for all attendees.
The implementation of the project through secondments is the nucleus of this Action. Knowledge exchange in addition to the personal experience it has afforded. The opportunity to analyse in person the impact of renewable energies in the case studies has enabled regional differences to be incorporated into the analysis.
After more than five years of intensive collaboration PEARLS has brought together a great team that has been able to contribute to all areas of the project. We are pleased with the work done and the results obtained. We are committed to continue working until the end of the project and really looking forward to further cooperation in the future.